Sunday 9 March 2014


Confidence is not something that can be given to you with designer clothes, the latest make-up or classy jewellery. It is something that is earned through hard work and dedication. Whether you are as skinny as a stick or as round as a whale we all have to work towards something.

My problem has always been that I am a dreamer. Not that dreaming is necessarily bad. Dreaming of a good summer vacation or what your first kiss will be like. It is however when it stops you from getting up and doing something. Depression, mental illness, being anti-social or a home-body. There are so many labels to describe how we feel and behave that I think we have now just accepted our doubts, fears and confusions as a disease that needs to be treated with medicine and therapy.

Although I am pretty sure the latter have done miracles for a wide number of people in this world has anyone ever just considered taking a walk? Reading a book? Baking a cake? Or just standing in the rain, feeling the cold and letting it freeze your body in that moment so that all you can think about is how numb you're becoming. Till finally it just shuts out the rest of the world even if only for a moment.

In a world that never stops turning we need these moments to let go and to let all the pieces crumble so that when we do pick them up and puzzle them together they, hopefully, start to make sense. The pain starts to ebb a little and the fogginess clears so that you can finally see what is standing right in front of you.

Confidence is not something that can be given. Confidence is something that is earned with hard work and dedication.

My next, possibly two, posts shall be about what is troubling me lately. The primary being my recent hair thinning and loss. My mother was diagnosed with aloepecia not too long ago after years of hair thinning and loss. But it seems she has finally found a treatment (hair growth pills) that are actually working. Which gives me hope that these will help me too. Not to sound like a hypocrite but these do appear to be the bomb. Everything else we can sort out without the intervention of hair food pills.

Keep tuned and stay blessed.

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